The Compact of Free Association (COFA) is an agreement between the United States and three Pacific Island nations: the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, and […]
Pacific Islander communities are being hit especially hard by the pandemic. We are working with local community organizations and Health Centers to offer free COVID-19 vaccinations, food, resources, and information […]
Local Food Resilience (Pilot Program) A collaborative project between Living Islands Non-Profit and Lihn Mwoakilloa Inc. with funding from Pacific Peoples’ Partnership Like so many other small atolls in the […]
What is Medical Mission Medical Mission Trips is a collaborative project between Living Islands Non-Profit and the Village Church organization for highly skilled medical professionals interested in donating their time […]
Becoming a 501(c)3 – Slide show and more information Slideshow from the NMCC 2023 conference – click the document below and select “Download.” Pictures from the presentation. The video will […]
The Marshallese Cultural Health Forum (MCHF) is a biennial conference in Oregon that serves as a platform to explore and address the unique health challenges faced by the communities from […]
Tech Kit The Digital Divide Tech Kit program is a Pilot Program to provide portable devices to low-income families in the City of Portland. The Project helps Portlanders overcome barriers […]
The GoFishPI program is an innovative initiative by Living Islands, designed to forge a state-wide Pacific Islander advisory council that resonates deeply with the heritage and values of our community. […]
Census Matters The census determines where billions of dollars of government funding will go, to programs like education and healthcare, to communities like ours for a decade to come.�Our communities […]
A Directory for the PI Community, a structured network between Businesses, NGOs, Local and Regional Government Entities, and our Communities, based on shared ownership among Pacific Islander Communities. [google-drive-embed url=”” […]
The Johnson�s are a multi-generation Marshallese family who lost their home to a fire some years ago. Their property is located within a stone’s throw to the Ocean and about […]
Analyzing the relationship between Marshallese cultural evolution and space: A study to develop culturally appropriate and resilient plans for sustainable land use practices and future resettlement schemes.
When visiting RMI in October 2018, we were brought to Ine on Arno Atoll to see a church roof that locals were concerned might be unsafe due to visible sagging […]
The Ocean and Beaches of the Marshall Islands have faced years of heavy external pollution, environmental neglect, and the full impact of global climate changes. Locally, the lack of education […]
Our world is at the most critical crossroads ever. Important decisions must be made�immediately if there is any chance to save and preserve what will be left. There is no […]
The Seventh Day Adventist School in Majuro has two campuses, the larger in Delap and the smaller in Laura. The school building in Laura is a decent structure however it […]
The first phase utilizes drone technology and photogrammetry software to create orthomosaics of small island settlements. This phase includes training of local stakeholders to operate drone equipment and manage data […]
David Anderson will be going back to Enewetak and Ujelang to reconnect with people he lived with, in the 1970'ies and take the same photos he took back then to document social changes as well as see how nature has reclaimed Ujelang since it's last human residents left.
Living Islands is starting a new program that aims to strengthen the Micronesian community network(s) in the Pacific Northwest and to empower the Micronesian population living here. Through this program, […]
The Floating food forest is proposed to develop agricultural space within greenhouses that will float within the lagoon of the atoll. Slightly protected from heavy storms while impervious to the […]
Covid-19 is requiring us all to focus our resources on where it helps the most. Because if that, this project is temporarily halted during the Covid-19 crisis. Although we can […]