Virus Outbreak-2020 Census-Misinformation
Community Support Focus Social Awareness for EPIC, Utopia PDX

Census 2020

Census Matters

The census determines where billions of dollars of government funding will go, to programs like education and healthcare, to communities like ours for a decade to come.�Our communities and organizations are depending on people to be counted in the Census for funding. In 2017 alone, $1.5 trillion of federal spending�was allocated on the basis of Census Bureau data.

Living Islands, with funding from EPIC, is producing material for the Micronesian communities to bring awareness about the upcoming Census 2020.�The goal is to produce a number of informative social media posts for sharing between community members, emphasizing the importance of Census and how is affects services provided to our community members.

You can complete the 2020 Census by mail, online at, or call ?1-800-330-2020? to complete over the phone. You can also fill out the census now by clicking this link:

While Social Distancing may keep us apart, but let�s all come together and be heard on the 2020 Census.

What we are doing

Producing a continuous stream of Public Domain Social Media posts and videos in both English and Micronesian languages for sharing in the communities

Providing information about filling out the census to local Micronesian communities

Bring concerns from the communities back to local and state agencies

Coordinate the Census outreach with other Pacific Islander organizations

Monitor Census 2020 issues and policy changes that may adversely impact our communities

To learn more about Census 2020, please visit these links

To learn more about Census 2020, please visit these links

How can you help?

Donate to our social media team

Help distribute Census information to offline community members

Coordinate the Census outreach with other Pacific Islander organizations

Collaborators on this Project
Empowering Pacific Islander Communities (EPIC)
Utopia PDX
Start Date
December 1 2020
Oregon & Washington
People Benefited
Micronesian communities
Social Justice, Social Equity

Census 2020 Workshop

As part of our effort to inform our local Pacific Islander communities about the Census in 2020 and understand why it is so important for us to be counted, Living Islands was responsible for conducting a Census 2020 Workshop with our Marshallese community Leaders in Salem, Oregon, in December 2019.

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