Our Global Partners

Waan Ael�� in Majel
Pacific Peoples Partnership
RMI Environmental Protection Authority
Micronesian Islander Community
COFA Alliance National Network
Women United Together Marshall Islands
National Association of Atomic Veterans
Immigrant & Refuge Community Organization
Native American Student & Community Center
Oregon Marshallese Community
Global PDX
NOAA Weather Ready Nation Ambassador
Pedal Forward
College of the Marshall Islands
Radiation Exposure Awareness Crusaders for Humanity - Marshall Islands

Living Islands is a non-political, non-religious registered not-for-profit organization of volunteers committed to creating self-sufficient Pacific Islands that will serve as an example to communities all around the world.

How you can get involved

We can't do it without you, so we're asking you to get involved. Join us in our mission to provide funding and resources to the Micronesian people - our work needs your help.

Drops together make the ocean, and grains of sand together make an island.

- Marshallese Proverb