

OPIC Meeting


JOIN WEBEX MEETING https://utopiapdx.my.webex.com/utopiapdx.my/j.php?MTID=m3af1ad83b4ff9e7e9e6b81efe6a7b847 Meeting number (access code): 126 017 9424 Meeting password: eDpMCXvi829 (33762984 from phones and video systems) TAP TO JOIN FROM A MOBILE DEVICE (ATTENDEES ONLY) +1-408-418-9388,,1260179424#33762984# […]

Veterans Day

United States , United States

Visit https://calendarlabs.com/holidays/us/veterans-day.php to know more about Veterans Day. Like us on Facebook: http://fb.com/calendarlabs to get updates

Veterans Day

United States , United States

Visit https://calendarlabs.com/holidays/us/veterans-day.php to know more about Veterans Day. Like us on Facebook: http://fb.com/calendarlabs to get updates

OPIC Meeting


JOIN WEBEX MEETING https://utopiapdx.my.webex.com/utopiapdx.my/j.php?MTID=m3af1ad83b4ff9e7e9e6b81efe6a7b847 Meeting number (access code): 126 017 9424 Meeting password: eDpMCXvi829 (33762984 from phones and video systems) TAP TO JOIN FROM A MOBILE DEVICE (ATTENDEES ONLY) +1-408-418-9388,,1260179424#33762984# […]

Thanksgiving Day

United States , United States

Visit https://calendarlabs.com/holidays/us/thanksgiving-day.php to know more about Thanksgiving Day. Like us on Facebook: http://fb.com/calendarlabs to get updates

Thanksgiving Day

United States , United States

Visit https://calendarlabs.com/holidays/us/thanksgiving-day.php to know more about Thanksgiving Day. Like us on Facebook: http://fb.com/calendarlabs to get updates

OPIC Meeting


JOIN WEBEX MEETING https://utopiapdx.my.webex.com/utopiapdx.my/j.php?MTID=m3af1ad83b4ff9e7e9e6b81efe6a7b847 Meeting number (access code): 126 017 9424 Meeting password: eDpMCXvi829 (33762984 from phones and video systems) TAP TO JOIN FROM A MOBILE DEVICE (ATTENDEES ONLY) +1-408-418-9388,,1260179424#33762984# […]

COFA Bill Meeting in Salem

Salem Public Library 585 Liberty St SE, Salem, OR, United States

On behalf of the CANN c4 board members, you are invited to participate and learn about a proposed bill (LC 235, see attached document) that would set up a COFA […]

OPIC Quarterly Meeting


Alyshia Macaysa is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.Topic: Alyshia Macaysa's Personal Meeting RoomJoin Zoom Meetinghttps://us06web.zoom.us/j/2954264215Meeting ID: 295 426 4215One tap mobile+16699006833,,2954264215# US (San Jose)+12532158782,,2954264215# US (Tacoma)Dial by your […]

OPIC Meeting


JOIN WEBEX MEETING https://utopiapdx.my.webex.com/utopiapdx.my/j.php?MTID=m3af1ad83b4ff9e7e9e6b81efe6a7b847 Meeting number (access code): 126 017 9424 Meeting password: eDpMCXvi829 (33762984 from phones and video systems) TAP TO JOIN FROM A MOBILE DEVICE (ATTENDEES ONLY) +1-408-418-9388,,1260179424#33762984# […]