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Operation HOPE – Bradley Angle

Living Islands is all about networking and communities. We spend most of our time working with the Micronesian Communities, but we are also very aware that our Micronesian Communities are part of our greater communities here in the USA, and we are always ready to reach out and help across the communities.

We have joined as one of the community partners in Operation HOPE, to help support people in need across all communities.

Today Operation HOPE fulfilled an order request for 30 bags to Bradley Angle, whose mission is to serve all people affected by domestic violence. Bradley Angle value the dignity and personal story of everyone who comes to them for support, and respect that survivors should have control over their own lives. They do this by placing people experiencing, or at risk of, domestic violence at the center of our services and providing them with safety, education, empowerment, healing, and hope. All of Bradley Angle�s services are free and rely on the generosity and support of our supporters.

Domestic Violence is on the rise this year, in large parts because of the Pandemic. If you, or someone you know, is in a Domestic Violence situation, please call their helpline at (503) 235-5333 or visit their website at https://bradleyangle.org/.

If you are currently in a Domestic Violence situation, make sure to select the incognito/privacy mode by pressing Ctrl-Shift-N before going to the webpage to prevent tracking!

For more DV resources, you can also visit our page here: http://linp.org/dv

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